Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1 Year old (March 8th)

Our baby boy is ONE!! It is so hard to believe you are already one! The year has gone so fast...and you amaze us with something new every day... you like to say "momma, dada, and Uh-oh". You sign "all done" and "more"... usually for more food while eating-one of your most favorite activities! You just started feeding yourself with your spoon which stresses me out because you are not as neat as your brother, nor do you care!:) I love your giggle and your newly found deep throat laugh... you love to climb on, through, and over anything and everything, push buttons on the TV, computer, phone, remote, etc. and you love your Mom & Dad! You love to find us in a room and crawl straight toward us wanting to be held close. You love to chase your brother and Eddie. You are taking more steps everyday, about 8 right now, but prefer to crawl since it is much faster. You eat everthing except you don't care for canteloupe (at least this week) or Kix cereal. You have had less ear infections than your brother, but still had 2 double ear infections thus far... hopefully that is it! I love your sparkely blue eyes and your infectious giggle. You are a sweet boy and we are so blessed to have you in our lives! Love you Baby Boy!

(more pictures of the actual birthday to come)


Kelli said...

I LOVE his deep little man-laugh, too! It cracks me up and make him seem very mischevious. :)

And it's too funny that you mention KIX. He's been eating them just fine for me for quite a while and then one day...no more. Would not eat them at all. I guess since he eats e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g else so well... who can complain about a few KIX. (I'm not a big fan of them myself... I can't blame him.)

He's such a doll.

Kelli said...

Oh, and great picture of him by the way. Good job.

The Crump Family said...

What an adorable picture!!!