Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy 21st Katie

Happy 21st Katie & 4th of July!

Better late then never...

July 5th (because I worked the 4th) we celebrated with my family... and our guest of sister Katie who turned 21!!! Whewee!! It was a fun day filled with Monkeyball, great cake, 21 things for a gift :) , and of course sparklers!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Summer Fun

The last few weeks we have gotten together to play with friends to try and release energy and stay cool in the 90 degree weather :( Lots of fun with friends! Some of us needed to take a quick nap to handle all the fun :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

4 Months Old!!

So now for the current updates on Benjamin... He is 4 months old!! So hard to believe! His doctor's appt. was today and I can't believe is in the 80% for height! He is doing great and his doctor was very impressed he has been rolling over since 3.5 months... I told her we are not impressed when we have to go in and turn him back over in bed 2 times a night :) But everything looks good... we upped his medication for reflux, but hopefully he will only be on that a few more months. Here is what Benjamin has been up to at four months of age:

*Is trying to sit up everywhere... his car seat, bouncy seat, swing so he definitely gets strapped into everything!

*Loves to stand up and attempts it often on his own while holding him.

*Still loves his thumb!

*Grabs toys and pulls them into his mouth (of course).

*Taking 5 oz and gets really mad when the milk is done :)

*Has a ticklish belly and loves to giggle and talk to everyone! (so cute)

The time is flying by...we are trying to enjoy every moment!! We love you Benjamin!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

3 Months Old!! (a month ago :)

So I realized I forgot to post Benjamin's 3 month pictures...He weighed 13# at 3 months. At three months, as mentioned before he started rolling over, which is quite the pain in the middle of the night because we have to go in a turn him back over 3-4 times a night :) Silly boy! He loves that thumb! He loves grabbing at toys now and watching his mobile. He loves to smile, especially at silly daddy and big brother! He loves helping mommy in the kitchen by supervising in his bumbo seat. His neck is so strong... he loves to sit and stand (thankfully not on his own yet). 4 month pictures and info to come :) Sorry we were behind.

Monday, July 7, 2008

First Baseball Game

This is a late post, but one that couldn't be missed... A very important day in the life of our first born son... His first BASEBALL game!! Memorial day weekend, we joined Papa after church at the Lansing Lugnuts game. It was a lot of fun! (Aunt)Kendra, (Aunt)Kristin, Andy and I were also in attendance. It was a perfect day, not too hot and not too busy. While watching the game Noah was able to enjoy his first bowl of Dippin' Dots ice cream...which he thought was great when they stuck to his tongue. It happened to be a "family" day, so he also got a balloon dog on a leash...which I am not sure made it home in one piece, but it was fun while it lasted. Papa even took Noah to the kid's playground was a fantastic first Baseball game and definitely not the last!