Monday, August 10, 2009

Noah Andrew

Our Noah you are 3.5 years old now, potty trained :), full of energy, and talking all the time! You love your snacks and the chance to watch movies. You aren't real fond of Benjamin wrecking your train set or every other toy you are trying to play with, but you are good and only knock him down every now and then. You love to wrestle with Dad and Benjamin, to try and ride your bike, to help me with laundry, cleaning, baking, to play outside and to ask "why". Yesterday you asked, "Does God go potty?" I responded "No". Then you went and asked Papa, "Is God a person?" Papa told you God is a Spirit and Jesus was a man when he lived on earth" and you responded with "OK", and off you went to play. I love seeing the world through your eyes! You still love to snuggle and I love that! You are growing up so fast our big boy! We love you Noah Andrew!

Benjamin Jae

You are climbing on everything, getting into everything and running everywhere! that is a crazy combination! We love your deep chuckle, when you say Mom and dadda! You want whatever your brother has and want to do whatever your brother is doing... which doesn't always make him happy. You have a very strong will and plan, but at the same time are also a sweet, snuggly baby boy! Not really a baby for much longer, but you are our baby and we love you so much Benjamin Jae!

Family Pictures

It has been a while... my excuse is busy boys, summer, and life! Here are some family pictures we had taken by a photog friend of mine from college. She does amazing work... it was fun to have something different... and the boys even had fun too! It is hard to get family pictures of 1 and 3 year old boys, but they did a great job.... even Andy was good :) More post to come shortly!