Monday, September 15, 2008

6 Months Old!!

Our little man is 6 months old!! I can't believe he is half a year old already and doing so many things...

-First tooth (working on second)
-Almost sitting without support
-Rolling all over the floor to get where he needs to go in a hurry
-Gets up on all 4's and rocks
-Loves to bounce, nonstop
-Loves eating his cereal, sweet potatoes, and bananas
-Sleeps from 715pm-8am non stop(can I hear a Woo-hew)
-Loves watching his brother and laughing at him
-Has great hand, eye coordination already
-Gives us huge smiles and loves to babble at us
-Continues to suck on his feet
-Loves to be tickled

We are having so much fun with Benjamin...who knew boys were so much fun! We can't wait to see what the next 30 days brings...

And may she be called K-Fo!!

Whoo hoo... My sister, Kristin is getting Married!! We are so excited for her to marry Jeremy Foco, hence the nickname K-Fo :) We are so happy to have Jeremy join our crazy family of women (Dad and Andy are happy the men are gaining ground finally in our family). We can't wait until January 3, 2009!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First tooth!!

Benjamin finally has his first tooth which he has been working on now for almost two months. He loves to suck on frozen bananas to help with his sore, yum!