Monday, July 14, 2008

4 Months Old!!

So now for the current updates on Benjamin... He is 4 months old!! So hard to believe! His doctor's appt. was today and I can't believe is in the 80% for height! He is doing great and his doctor was very impressed he has been rolling over since 3.5 months... I told her we are not impressed when we have to go in and turn him back over in bed 2 times a night :) But everything looks good... we upped his medication for reflux, but hopefully he will only be on that a few more months. Here is what Benjamin has been up to at four months of age:

*Is trying to sit up everywhere... his car seat, bouncy seat, swing so he definitely gets strapped into everything!

*Loves to stand up and attempts it often on his own while holding him.

*Still loves his thumb!

*Grabs toys and pulls them into his mouth (of course).

*Taking 5 oz and gets really mad when the milk is done :)

*Has a ticklish belly and loves to giggle and talk to everyone! (so cute)

The time is flying by...we are trying to enjoy every moment!! We love you Benjamin!

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